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making life more beautiful..

Thursday 24 November 2011

Entertainment Make-up

This is Caroline, our entertainment presenter on eTV. Naturally with entertainment I am allowed to play more with my colors to make her funky and colorful. I usually concentrate a lot on her eye area, which includes drawing her eyebrow and then applying mascara and then the one that does the magic of all: the eye shadows. I explore with colors such as gold, green and blue chosen specially for this day. I blended it in very well to match the eyelid to get the effect that I want for the eye area. Everything with her makeup for today is supposed to be bold, funky and interesting. So you can see from the picture that I played around with the colors gold, green and blue. Keep following my blog for more tips on how to do your make-up for entertainment programs. 

100 degrees

Preparing Former President for his interview
Applying loose powder 
This is one of the most important make-up that I did for the former president, John Agyekum Kuffour on one of our shows called 100 degrees. You may be wondering why a man would need make-up? Men also use make-up for several reasons. In this case the former president was about to get interviewed. During these interviews the lights used for television are very strong so I need to protect his face from shining and sweating. As he is our very own x-president I had to make sure that his face wasn’t shining. I decided to apply loose powder that fits his complexion. The trick is to make it as light as possible so that it blends in with his own color.

I was so excited and privileged to be doing make-up for our former president, John Agyekum Kuffour. This is a day that I will never forget.

Men with make-up?
In this case make-up for tv is necessary however a lot of men, especially influential men, have also been known to be using make-up on a daily basis. What do you think of this?

For healthy and Good Looking Skin

 First of all I would like us to talk about the SKIN. Your skin is the first thing every one sees so it has to look fresh  and radiant at all times. In order to achieve clear and fresh looking skin, you need to eat a lot of fruits and drink a lot of water. Water keeps your skin hydrated. Since you are going to be walking under the sun most of the time it is advisable to drink a lot of water to also calm the makeup down. This is especially true when your skin is very oily.

Fruit Diet
Drink lots of water
Eat lots of fruits
You also need to eat a lot of fruits to give you all the necessary vitamins to keep your skin smooth and glowing. Here are some of the fruits you should consider eating: apple, watermelon and pawpaw and other fresh vegetables.  So what do you plan on eating today to keep your skin looking radiant?


Hi, this is Jay’s make-up, making life more beautiful. Do you know you have to moisturize your face before applying your make-up. This is because it serves as a barrier between your face and the make-up so that you don’t get any reaction on your face.  Even if you don’t react to the make-up moisturizer helps you not age early. When you use make-up a lot first of all there’s a lot of friction on your face and constant usage of make-up can cause your skin to dry up leading to wrinkles. So to avoid all of that, one of the ways is to use a Moisturizer before applying your make-up.