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making life more beautiful..


                    A DAY IN  THE  LIFE OF JULIET  ANSU  YEBOAH

 “I am the beam and  light  of  makeup”.  Juliet Ansu Yeboah is  her  name  and  JAY’s Make-up  is  the  brand  name.  “I will make  you  blossom  with  sweetness  and  will  make  you   blush   like  a  fresh  morning  rose”.  Juliet  is  the C.E.O of  JAYS MAKE-UP professionally  trained  by  FC  beauty  school, she  does  this  magic  on  her  own,  living, eating and drinking  make up as you will hear her say many a times.  Her day    begins  at 4am, but  she gets  ready  and  sets up at work  by  6am everyday. At  a  tender  age Juliet could be  found  playing  with  her  sister  hairstyling her mum for important occasions and being asked by her friends to fix their hair.  Today it is to no surprise that Juliet works for some of the biggest TV stations such as TV3, currently eTV and other independent  production  such  as   The  Stand  Point Show and The  Be  Bold  Show.

Juliet tells us that she had  one  principle  in  mind and that  is “to do  what  you  can  do  but  do  it  to  the  best of your abilities”.

Although there are a lot of make-up artists in  Ghana  Juliet  stands out from all of them like  a  lily  among  ten  thousand   thorns. She actually confessed that her mentor and inspiration is Christal Jeanne, the host of the BE BOLD Show since she is her main advisor behind her blog jaysmake-up.blogspot.com. Juliet says one of the secrets of making her clients happy and beautiful is by having a broad smiling face during  her  makeup  session.  Every woman has different face structure, smile, and eyes but all they need is to find someone who cares enough   to make that face beautiful and that right person who cares  enough  for  your  precious  facial  looks. Juliet is the RIGHT person for that!

By Gloria Owusu-Boama

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